Voice of hounding shadow - Debating with Static Mirror
Translation of பின் தொடரும் நிழலின் குரல் (நூல்) – ஜெயமோகன் அல்லற்பட்டு ஆற்றாது அழுதகண் ணீரன்றே செல்வத்தைத் தேய்க்கும் படை Grief tears shed by citizens subjected to intolerable misery is the rulers’ wealth wiping weapon at the same moment. அறத்தாறு இதுவென வேண்டா சிவிகை பொறுத்தானோடு ஊர்ந்தான் இடை. One man lifting another on a palanquin, can’t be justified as the fruit of any prior moral deeds. Chapter 1 He felt a prick of conscience at the very moment of realising that he crossed the threshold with his left leg. Arunachalam paused for a second. When he happened to meet Gauri’s eyes, she was stretching her both hands towards him, showing the milk teeth with a scintillating smile, burgeoning dual pink lips on her face, tottered headlong towards him. He noticed the wriggling of her small, chubby, adipose legs. He could halt right there and return back to home, fetch her, clutching to his breast, kiss and cuddle for few minutes. He could be re...